LabVision®-remote & HiText-remote

LabVision®-remote in the light version, enables LabVision® to be operated and monitored from an external computer (client) via a network connection (TCP/IP). Access to the current LabVision® projects can be achieved from one or several computers connected via a network without the necessity of having to install a LabVision® system at these locations.

The LabVision®-remote user interface is generally identical with that of LabVision®. It offers the same modules (like worksheets, multi-chart and online plotters, process report, monitoring report, data point tables and LabCam) which are available in the currently connected LabVision®-System.

The LabVision® user administration is supported. Worksheet control operations can be permitted or prohibited by the LabVision® computer, depending on the user settings. All LabVision®-remote control actions are recorded in the process report.

Several LabVision®-remote installations can each (simultaneously) access one or more LabVision® systems in the network. The LabVision® user interface does not have to be active for this purpose. Worksheets can both be displayed and operated in LabVision®-remote.

A "chat function" enables the communication between a user of the LabVision® system and LabVision®-remote users.

In addition, it offers the possibility of starting as many units of the LabVision®-remote client as are desired on one PC and of connecting them in parallel with various projects on one or various servers. Thus, for example, several systems can be clearly and simultaneously monitored from one multi-monitor system.
The user interface is fully scalable and can therefore also be used with high-resolution monitors (such as tablet computers).

The full version of LabVision®-remote provides the complete functionality of the LabVision®-remote light version.

Additionally, it includes a HiText-remote module. This complements the recipe control level on the client computer. The HiText-remote client can be installed on any computer in the local network, even multiple times. Recipes and control programmes can be created, edited and operated. The control programmes run always on the server (OS) and are only visualised by the HiText-remote client. The HiText-remote-Client offers nearly the same capabilities as HiText.

Product code Description
SL-LVREMOTEL LabVision®-remote Client Light-Version
SL-LVREMOTE LabVision®-remote Client Full-Version, incl. HiText-remote